We believe in the transformative power of artificial intelligence and its role in shaping the future. Our investment strategy focuses on pioneering AI technologies that drive innovation. Simultaneously, we support global growth by guiding companies through effective localization, ensuring successful market entry and adaptation. By integrating these two pillars, we empower businesses to lead in technology and excel across international markets.
Baroque Capital, established in 2022 and headquartered in Singapore, is a professional investment and asset management firm focusing on outbound investment and international asset management services for Asian clients.
We embrace a strategy built on innovation-driven investments, global perspective, and long-term value creation, supporting pioneering companies that lead and redefine technology landscapes.
Explore Our PhilosophyWe offer a range of services designed to assist enterprises at various stages of growth, from strategic financing planning to global market expansion.
Explore Our ServicesHighlighting our investments in high-tech industries such as AI, robotics, and semiconductor companies known for their innovation and market impact.
View Our Portfolio我们深信人工智能蕴含着变革的力量,对塑造未来意义重大。我们的投资策略聚焦于具有开创性的人工智能技术,以此推动创新。与此同时,我们助力企业出海,进行有效的本地化和国际化,确保其顺利适应海外市场环境,从而实现全球增长。通过将人工智能与出海本地化这两大核心要素相结合,我们助力企业在技术领域独占鳌头,并在国际市场中脱颖而出。
巴洛克资本成立于2022年,总部位于新加坡,专注于 AI 投资和产业出海领域,凭借专业的团队和丰富的经验,为企业提供全方位的海外融资和国际化解决方案,助力企业实现资产保值增值。同时,我们致力于为高净值客户提供个性化的家族财富管理服务,确保家族财富的传承与增长。